Obama Administration: We Didn't Find Out About AIG Bonuses Until This Month Obama Administration: We Didn't Find Out About AIG Bonuses Until This Month... http://www.drudgereport.com/ That how you entire Obama Administration team should have to show your accountable to resign now. You all are obviously showed too stu 褐藻醣膠pid bad ugly evil to know how to fight the war on terrors seriously, your enemy is the evilest gangsters grouped liars waiting to seek any dot to eat your entire nation bonelessly since the first day USA founded, USA could have stood firm the p 室內裝潢ast more than hundrend years, all because their President all mankind Western Gentleman deserved God bless USA good luck. Even that stupid bad ugly evil USA late lie down President Reagon was mankind. Had Bush junior not committed the crime following low lower lowest ARMANI USA liar President Bill Clinton to tooled fooled female dressed animals into his team, USA must still stand firm; had you stupid bad ugly evil Obama not following Bush junior low lower lowest to tooled fooled stupid bad ugly evil USA liar President Bill Clinton's ass whore-his co 永慶房屋-president Hillary Clinton to be your Secretary, you may have more clear mind to know how to have your ears eyes to do the duty to kill to save USA life. Anyone who "sell and buy" must not be allowed to get any government fund, you stupid bad ugly evil Obama Administration too suck to have anyone in your admi 太平洋房屋nistration can have the common sense to see this common law, you all should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Because "Sell and Buy" is committing the crime to take away Your American people's free right (That may explain how come Bank of America used not to charge any fee from their customer to show all 酒店打工 their richest business share holders must be the most integrity Ameircan seeing their richest like nothing willing to give away to those who trust them enough to put all their hard working income under their watch instead of hiding under ground. That how Bankers used not be allowed to do mortgage business to charge the interests from individual customers 西裝外套. Banker lend money to individual customer, must not be allowed to charge any interests from anyone of them.) that your Free World Leader USA must not be allowed to have any room to commit that crime. That how all your public workers must have to be married mankind and have his wife stay home to show he has nothing to do with sell, he may buy but not sell in any way. 新成屋 You use Americna public fund to feed those shameless lawless Godless selfish digusting "Sell and Buy" business seeing American civilian Free right like nothing, you committed the crime of treason, you must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. You are American, the leader of the Free World, you must not sell, you sell, you have to die, that how 3 Big American car have to die, becaus 面膜e they sell out their goods to Mainland Chinese China Communist slaves, that how Obama Administration must have to die, because they sent their liar USA President Bill Clinton's ass whore Hillary Clinton went to Mainland China trying to sell and dragon down China Communist to fall.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣房子  .

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