Netanyahu endorses Palestinian independence Netanyahu endorses Palestinian independenceAs of 8:35 p.m. CST Jun 14 200 部落格9 That so called Netanyahu must be fake, the real Netanyahu must be ki 澎湖民宿lled inside US White House. Because the real Netanyahu must have the common sense a 西裝外套nd brain cell to know that Palestinian Indeoendence must have to be fighted by their own bloody to get 關鍵字行銷 the life; or must have to have trustable military to personal count every Palestinian individual resident vote first, when 燒烤all reisent all willing to endorses indeoendence, then Israeli can have the right to vote for approve or against, if Israeli approves that i 房屋買賣ndependence, Israeli has to accept all those Palestinian who does not voted for independence to move into Israel to become Israeli lawful resident to live the rest 部落格 of their life with no right to multiply, that means they must have no right to give birth, if anyone of them married to Jews, they must not be allowed to give birth also; if Israeli voted agains 部落格t that independence, then, Israeli military must have to kill every Palestinian who voted for independence, then bomb or do whatever it takes to make the West Bank to become no human form zone. You nee 部落格d to kill that so called Netanyahu that said endores Palestinian indpendence immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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